Friday, October 01, 2010

Lunchtime art

So, I have been trying to start an art journal and have had a little trouble either mustering up the courage to start or being just plain lazy. I've been telling myself it's because I am time poor, but that is just a big fat lie because I know that I am not. Either way it's had the same result. A few half hearted attempts in a sketch book that I bought from a discount shop and a few disappointing results.

So today in my lunch break I took myself to Deans Art in Sydney Rd, Brunswick and bought myself a nice little hard cover journal, a little bigger than A5 size and some water soluble pastels.

After virtually inhaling my lunch, I decided to give them a go right there and then, sitting at my desk, in my office, WITH THE DOOR OPEN! How brave am I hey?

Having never used water soluble crayons before I can't comment on how well they worked as I have no idea whether the ones I bought were good quality. I assume not, as they were the cheapest on the shelf. What I can tell you is this. Who cares where you are, or what you have or don't have when you get the urge to create. I used water out of the water fountain in a plastic cup, and my "brush" was made out of a piece of rolled up tissue, and it was fun, fun fun!

I wasn't even embarrassed when my boss came in and commented on how I spend my lunch break. Not that it was negative mind you, but now I know that his wife enjoyed painting pre-children and maybe, when he goes home today and tells her about what his weirdo secretary was doing at lunch, it may inspire her to do the same.

This is just what I aimed for this year. To live life to it's fullest, and fill all the little cracks with something enjoyable, and meaningful. Even if it is just to doodle.

Don't waste a single second of your life on something that's not worth doing. You never know if that second will be your last.

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